Saturday, August 30, 2008


I am so flipping ready for this game. Go Mountaineers !!!!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Mommy and Daddy bought me a spaceship!

Now if i can just figure out the controls....

Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm 4 month old today!

Click the play button: to watch the little video. There's some soft music so turn down your speakers if you're watching at work! If for some reason you can't play or see video you can click this link and see the youtube version.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One step closer to getting out of this gin joint....

That's right ...  i can hold my own bottle! At this rate i should be ready to start driving lessions in about 4 weeks.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Diving deep at the cute end of the gene pool.

These are my cousins bernard and william. Seriously... how adorable a trio are we?

Where the hell is that cabana boy?

I've been waiting for my milk fizzy for ever! Anyway, had a lovely day at the neighborhood pool with mom and dad. Water was too cold for me but still had a great time.


Monday, August 18, 2008

This seems silly....

Had my first "solid" food. It forced me to ask the following question: When society has mastered the bottle-nipple combination why would we take a step backwards and use this "spoon" thing? I just don't get it.

Friday, August 15, 2008

I don't know....

I was asked who was cuter than me... and i just didn't have an answer...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Let's be clear...

I am having way more fun than you are right now!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sassy in White

This has to be one of my favorite new outfits. It makes me feel like i should be walking along the beach in the caribbean... well crawl.... ok, just sort of roll around at best.. but you get the idea.. 

Friday, August 8, 2008


I guess the only thing to do is sleep....

Rainy Days...

Humph... the undisclosed location was disclosed and it turns out it's aunt beth's and uncle robby's cabin. That would have been nice ... but i guess someone (i'm looking at you daddy) didn't check the weather report ... did they?


So i'm home relaxing ... getting fed ... the usual. When suddenly i am taken out of my "comfort zone", thrown into my car seat, and driven to some secret undisclosed location. Oh sure the place is pretty enough, but it's not my room, not my bed, and i'm not used to it. That makes me a little cranky... Mom and dad are trying to win me over by bribing me with breakfast... Hmm... ok..... it might work....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm in Trouble!

Daddy went snap happy!

I Guess This Means...

Oh No!!!

Daddy got a new camera!

Great Expectations.

I got to meet a bunch of mommy's friend and they were really nice but.... i was told mommy worked at sesame street. Do you remember seeing cubicles on sesame street? I sure don't! I'm expecting mr hooper's store... the fixit shop.. oscar's trash can...... not copiers, printers, and stacks of toner..... humph!

Pretty in Pink....

It's been a long day so i'm a little too tired to be sassy... i'll just have to be pretty.... This little pink gap dress was a present from mommy's friend. i think it brings out my eyes...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Like a turtle on it's back but in reverse! This is my dilemma. I have learned to turn myself from my back to my tummy. Mommy and daddy say this is ahead of schedule. The problem is i learned this stuff out of order... i can't turn back! I just can't seem to stop myself either.... what's a girl to do.....

Monday, August 4, 2008

Available at store near you.

It's not like my family directly benefits from sesame street merchandise sales.... but don't i look freakin adorable! So if the impulse suddenly strikes you to look as cool and hip as i do, run out now and pick up a sesame tee and join me in the "it" crowd.* *Wearing tee shirt is not guarantee of coolness and/or hipness.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I Think I Had One Too Many

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

It's a Jungle Out There

How does a leopard change it's spots?
When it gets tired of one spot it just moves to another.
Har har har...

Just kidding... today's ensemble is leopard print and butterflies.... Not sure what the two have to do with each other... but let's just go with it shall we? Sassy!!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Oh My God!

Why did no one tell me about this place?


I'm visiting grandpa today. He's giving me a tour of his beautiful paintings.

G'Day Mate!

Today's sassiness comes from down under in this white onesie with the cutest koala. And next to me is my friend matilda... Now if i can just figure out why the toilets are spinning backwards we'll be all set

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sassy in Green.

In case you haven't figured it out yet.... i'm sassy! Here i am in a lovely green floral print dress that i got from my aunt deborah and uncle peter. I'm also in the worlds most comfortable recliner... my mommy!

Blankie Search!

We currently have a job posting for a "Blankie". Applicants need to be soft, not too big, able to withstand ungodly amounts of saliva, easy to clean, pink(or at least girlie), and taste good. Bunnies, turtle, or frogs a plus. The applicant pictured here is in the running but no final decision has made.
  • Position Type: Full Time
  • Starting Salary: Copious amounts of Love

You ever have the feeling.....

that someone is watching you?